Eric was out of town for about a week and a half. About three weeks before he left I decided I couldn't do it. And I asked him not to go. Elise was waking in the middle of the night, actually she was waking at 5:00 in the morning, but it felt like the middle of the night. Caleb was tired of being at home with just me. And quite frankly, I was tired of being at home with just him, and that was with Eric coming home each night. The idea of ten days. TEN DAYS alone, well no, worse, ten days with a two and five year old--alone can sound quite nice to a mother of preschoolers. But ten days alone with a two and four year old sounded like level four of Dante's inferno to someone that was already in level two.
Fortunately, we are in a church. A church that has offered real tangible help to our family. When members found out that Eric would be out of town and I'd be alone I received four offers to eat dinner and bathe the kids at their house. So during what are normally my "witching hours" when my eyes turn red and my skin turns green, my children were laughing with friends, and I was laughing too. Eric came home to a happy one thanks to the help of our new friends. They have helped us in other ways as well, and we are grateful.
A number of friends and family have asked about it for a number of reasons. You can read about it here and here. The church has a group of overseers but it has no paid pastors or leadership. We are on a rotating list to setup, take down, mind the children, and lead different parts of the worship service. Teaching is limited to leadership within the church. Services include a time of blessing, a time of eating, a time of listening, learning, and a time of sending. Next week I will be sent. that means that I will tell the church what I am doing in my everyday life, and the church will tell me how I am reflecting Christ to the world. Then I will be sent or commissioned to do the work that God has set before me. So that is what I'm thinking about this week--where and how do I, or at least how should I, reflect Christ to the nations?
On the weekend the sanctuary is an art gallary
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