Easter vacation

  • Elise and bananas
    Grandma came to visit for the holidays and we ended Caleb's first term with an Easter Parade. We then took a vacation up the coast to Port Stephens and Coffs Harbour.

Caleb and Elise "reading"

  • Img_2054
    I love seeing my children laughing together. I couldn't pick just one.
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Just wanted to say hello and let you know I was thinking about you. Hope you are doing well.

Mark Steidler

Thanks for your post!

The reason I’m reaching out is to see if you’d like to receive a free copy of a Maya & Miguel Cinco de Maya DVD. I’m working on a marketing project with Scholastic to raise awareness about cultural diversity, language learning and even supporting a soccer tournament http://pbskids.org/mayaandmiguel/english/stunts/kickit/index.html by connecting with parents like you that are publishing great content.

If you’d like to receive the DVD, just email me at [email protected] with your address and I’ll have it shipped out to you. If you do choose to get the Maya & Miguel DVD and decide to blog about, please make it clear how you received the DVD. Our goal is to be open and honest with everyone we reach.

Additionally, if you’d like to add Maya & Miguel images from the show on your blog you can pick them up here - http://www.boldmouth.com/maya_and_miguel/

All the best,

Mark Steidler, BoldMouth

Lori (PEZmama)

I have bestowed a little bloggy award upon you. Stop by my place and copy the button for yourself.

Hope you are doing well.


That is cute: "Chips are healthy food". Nice try. :)

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