Easter vacation

  • Elise and bananas
    Grandma came to visit for the holidays and we ended Caleb's first term with an Easter Parade. We then took a vacation up the coast to Port Stephens and Coffs Harbour.

Caleb and Elise "reading"

  • Img_2054
    I love seeing my children laughing together. I couldn't pick just one.
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It is great to hear from you. I am so looking forward to seeing you all in just a few short days.

We are really looking forward to being home.


Hey, Leslie. This is Roy. I love the post and your writing. These fresh thoughts on cricket should be published throughout the Queen-lovin' world.

Look forward to seeing you guys soon.

p.s. I am reading NT Wright's "The Challenge of Jesus." Very good reading.


Hmmm . . . I doubt Eric will play, but who knows? Caleb might.


Your take on the whole other world over there is just funny! Maybe Eric will be found in some white knickers before you leave!

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