Easter vacation

  • Elise and bananas
    Grandma came to visit for the holidays and we ended Caleb's first term with an Easter Parade. We then took a vacation up the coast to Port Stephens and Coffs Harbour.

Caleb and Elise "reading"

  • Img_2054
    I love seeing my children laughing together. I couldn't pick just one.
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MC--I miss a couple of things about drip coffee. I miss the convenience and the cost. There are times when all I want is to hold something warm, and for that I'd like to keep the cost to about 1.50.

Also, some drip coffee makers do make a cup of coffee that I like, but if you really like expresso then, well, no it isn't that.

I also miss half and half, which is what we used instead of milk.

That aside, the coffee here is great and Sydney has a wonderful cafe culture. One day I hope to indulge in it a bit.


Hi there !
New to your blog today - I am an Australian that has lived in the US.

Do you really prefer/miss that dripolator style coffee ?? I think you can still get it in 'old style' McDonalds ... I think it tastes like dishwashing water ;)


Will you please call me again so your number will be on my caller ID and I can write it down this time before it disappears? (Insert big cheesy grin here.)=)


I am learning all kinds of new "efficient living" methods for Australian living (or perhaps Sydney Australia is more like it). Anyway, we will be moving in a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to shops.


hehehe...I'm laughing because our little block of shops does have a candlestick maker
(well, it's disguised as aromatherapy)

We went to the relatively new Ikea at Rhodes, they didn't have a parcel pickup area, and we had to manoevre all the pieces of 3 sets of 7' bookshelves through the car park - fun..NOT


Your trip to Ikea sounds wonderful! Now if they just had Texas BBQ there! How is your toe doing? Kyle and I have been reading your entries - he's trying to understand why you moved so far away! Take care of everyone.

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