Easter vacation

  • Elise and bananas
    Grandma came to visit for the holidays and we ended Caleb's first term with an Easter Parade. We then took a vacation up the coast to Port Stephens and Coffs Harbour.

Caleb and Elise "reading"

  • Img_2054
    I love seeing my children laughing together. I couldn't pick just one.
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Hi Leslie
I just followed your link from the comments on Amy's blog and wanted to say welcome to Australia.I hope you enjoy your stay here.


Leslie, I'm so glad things are starting to feel a little more friendly and familiar. I, selfishly, wish you were still here, but I'm also really loving reading about your experiences in your new (and amazingly gorgeous!) home!


Nothing makes a new home feel like home as much as a church that opens its arms and welcomes you.

Breathtaking photo.

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